About Us

principal-gmsss39-profile1Our effort is focused not only on pure study but also on providing an opportunity to each child to explore his or her own capabilities and area of interest. For this, we have provided each child with many activities both co-curricular and extracurricular to help the child become the best person he or she can be. Excellence is achieved when each person is helped to continually develop his or her potential as an individual and a member of society.

Man of character is the real pillars of the nation, so school education is the foundation of character of an individual. The habit of study, the love of learning and the quest for truth, the responsible use of freedom, personal integrity and a willingness to help improve society, are especially important. It is well known that the critical developmental period for these qualities is up to the age of twelve years. The early a child benefits from an education which fosters these good qualities the better the chance he or she has to reach his or her full potential and to make a positive contribution to society.

At GMSSS, Sector-39, Chandigarh, we strive constantly to meet the needs of our students, in order to enable them to meet the requirements of the present and future. We at our school realize the importance of this crucial phase in the life of a child and provide each child with opportunities and activities to achieve this aim.

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